My Mission


I´m so happy you´re here!

In my Botanical heART Blog you´ll find tons of good stuff about techniques, books, tipps, tricks and so much more around Botanical Art.

I wanna show you the beauty of Botanical Art, inspire you and motivate you to sketch, draw and paint yourself.


Botanical heART - Meine Mission

Hi, I´m Carina!

A garden enthusiast, mom of two, married and I teach Botanical Illustration to myself.

It´s my dream to have much more people experience what I experienced.

That the creative exploration of plants lets us deepen our love to nature and find out who we truly are.

📷 Alexander Tilp Photography


Why I named the blog Botanical heART Blog? On one hand it´s a nice play on words, of course. And on the other hand Botanical Art REALLY touches my heart. I wanna let you feel this enthusiasm and excitement, too!


How it all began…

The first time I got in touch with Botanical Art has been in November 2019.

Originally I searched for a drawing course for my study in Garden Design. So quite accidentally I found the weekend course „Botanical Illustration in Graphite“ by Katja Katholing-Bloss and immediately subscribed for it.

I must admit, that I had some doubt in my drawing abilities as I always believed I had no talent in drawing or painting (and thought this would be a basic requirement). But in fact, with the right instructions, I was able to create a pretty neat drawing from scratch.

Now I was absolutely motivated to stick to it and try out more.

Further courses and workshops on the topic „Botanical Illustration in Watercolour“ followed, to go deeper into Botanical Illustration and to get introduced in painting with watercolour.


Tipps, tricks and the latest news for 0 €?

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    Let me add a short note…

    I wanna throw in that it wasn´t all that easy right from the start and I haven´t had the same great experiences in watercolour like I had in the graphite course. But what I have seen was, it´s ALL learnable.

    No natural talent or a gift, rather something you can work out.

    And that´s what I did and still do. I absorb literally everything I can find about Botanical Illustration - but also drawing, sketching and painting in general.

    As the systematic analyst I am, everything gets analysed, questioned, organised and then edited by me in a structured and understandable way.

    (By the way, as I am German, I hope you english-speaking folks will forgive me for screwed up grammar, words and sentences!)

    Coming back to my approach...


    What exactly does that mean?


    It means, that I don´t only watch and work through the tutorials, books, courses etc., I really wanna understand the why and how behind it all, so that not only I create better art, but that I can give you the best possible value.

    I´m a true believer of “You can only implement what you really understand.”

    And in my blog I´ll pass that on to you. So you can be learn to draw and paint, without the need to collect it all together on your own.


    For you!

    My 10 favourite quotes to inspire and encourage you!

    With a little bonus inside!

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      A short summary…

      The Botanical heART Blog

      • offers you a lot of knowledge about techniques, literature, tipps, tricks and much more regarding Botanical Art.

      • invites you to your own creative explorations of plants.

      • deepens your love for nature and ultimately the love to yourself.

      You don´t need a natural talent or gift.

      And: You don´t have to collect it all together on your own before you can start with Botanical Art! I´ll do it for you.


      I hope so much, that I could make you feel my enthusiasm and excitement and that you will come back to learn more!

      That you kept on reading until the very end alone, makes me perform a little happy dance at home! Thank you so much!


      A short request…

      As this blog is at its very beginning and as I wanna tailor my posts to your wishes and needs, of course…

      What would YOU be interested in reading in one of my next articles? Do you have any special topic requests?

      Leave me a comment below!


      My Core Values for 2024